
Redirecting the Standard Output of your Program

You do it like this:

(let ((*standard-output* <some form generating a stream>))
is a dynamic variable, all references to it during execution of the body of the
LET form refer to the stream that you bound it to. After exiting the LET
form, the old value of *STANDARD-OUTPUT* is restored, no matter if the exit
was by normal execution, a RETURN-FROM leaving the whole function, an
exception, or what-have-you. (This is, incidentally, why global variables lose
much of their brokenness in Common Lisp compared to other languages: since they
can be bound for the execution of a specific form without the risk of losing
their former value after the form has finished, their use is quite safe; they
act much like additional parameters that are passed to every function.)

If the output of the program should go to a file, you can do the following:

(with-open-file (*standard-output* "somefile.dat" :direction :output
                                   :if-exists :supersede)
opens the file - creating it if necessary - binds *STANDARD-OUTPUT*, executes
its body, closes the file, and restores *STANDARD-OUTPUT* to its former
value. It doesn’t get more comfortable than this!

Faithful Output with Character Streams

By faithful output I mean that characters with codes between 0 and 255 will be
written out as is. It means, that I can (PRINC (CODE-CHAR 0..255) s) to a
stream and expect 8-bit bytes to be written out, which is not obvious in the
times of Unicode and 16 or 32 bit character representations. It does not
require that the characters ä, ß, or þ must have their
in the range 0..255 - the implementation is free to use any code. But it does
require that no #\Newline to CRLF translation takes place, among others.
Common Lisp has a long tradition of distinguishing character from byte (binary)
are in the standard. Some implementations let both functions be called
interchangeably. Others allow either one or the other. (The
notion of a bivalent stream where both are possible.)
Varying element-types are useful as some protocols rely on the ability to send
8-Bit output on a channel. E.g. with HTTP, the header is normally ASCII and
ought to use CRLF as line terminators, whereas the body can have the MIME type
application/octet-stream, where CRLF translation would destroy the data. (This
is how the Netscape browser on MS-Windows destroys data sent by incorrectly
configured Webservers which declare unknown files as having MIME type
text/plain - the default in most Apache configurations).

What follows is a list of implementation dependent choices and behaviours and some code to experiment.


On CLISP, faithful output is possible using

(ext:make-encoding :charset 'charset:iso-8859-1 :line-terminator :unix)
You can also use (SETF (STREAM-ELEMENT-TYPE F) '(UNSIGNED-BYTE 8)), where the
ability to SETF is a CLISP-specific extension. Using :EXTERNAL-FORMAT :UNIX
will cause portability problems, since the default character set on MS-Windows
is CHARSET:CP1252. CHARSET:CP1252 doesn’t allow output of e.g. (CODE-CHAR #x81):
;*** - Character #\u0080 cannot be represented in the character set CHARSET:CP1252

Characters with code > 127 cannot be represented in ASCII:

;*** - Character #\u0080 cannot be represented in the character set CHARSET:ASCII


:EXTERNAL-FORMAT :DEFAULT (untested) - no unicode, so probably no problems.


#+(AND ALLEGRO UNIX) :DEFAULT (untested) - seems enough on UNIX, but would not
work on the MS-Windows port of AllegroCL.


:EXTERNAL-FORMAT '(:LATIN-1 :EOL-STYLE :LF) (confirmed by Marc Battyani)


Here’s some sample code to play with:

(defvar *unicode-test-file* "faithtest-out.txt")

(defun generate-256 (&key (filename *unicode-test-file*)
              #+CLISP (charset 'charset:iso-8859-1)
  (let ((e (or external-format
           #+CLISP (ext:make-encoding :charset charset :line-terminator :unix))))
    (describe e)
    (with-open-file (f filename :direction :output
             :external-format e)
        (loop with s = (make-string 256)
          for i from 0 to 255
          do (setf (char s i) (code-char i))
          finally (return s))
      (file-position f))))

;(generate-256 :external-format :default)
;#+CLISP (generate-256 :external-format :unix)
;#+CLISP (generate-256 :external-format 'charset:ascii)

(defun check-256 (&optional (filename *unicode-test-file*))
  (with-open-file (f filename :direction :input
             :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))
    (loop for i from 0
      for c = (read-byte f nil nil)
      while c
      unless (= c i)
      do (format t "~&Position ~D found ~D(#x~X)." i c c)
      when (and (= i 33) (= c 32))
      do (let ((c (read-byte f)))
           (format t "~&Resync back 1 byte ~D(#x~X) - cause CRLF?." c c) ))
    (file-length f)))

(check-256 *unicode-test-file*)
(progn (generate-256 :external-format :unix) (check-256))
; uses UTF-8 -> 385 bytes

(progn (generate-256 :charset 'charset:iso-8859-1) (check-256))

(progn (generate-256 :external-format :default) (check-256))
; uses UTF-8 + CRLF(on MS-Windows) -> 387 bytes

(progn (generate-256 :external-format
  (ext:make-encoding :charset 'charset:iso-8859-1 :line-terminator :mac)) (check-256))
(progn (generate-256 :external-format
  (ext:make-encoding :charset 'charset:iso-8859-1 :line-terminator :dos)) (check-256))

Fast Bulk I/O

If you need to copy a lot of data and the source and destination are both
streams (of the same
it’s very fast to use
(let ((buf (make-array 4096 :element-type (stream-element-type input-stream)))
  (loop for pos = (read-sequence input-stream)
        while (plusp pos)
        do (write-sequence buf output-stream :end pos))))